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Published under names M. Justin Kim or Minue J. Kim.
_Trainee co-author
*Equal author contribution
Preprints / Manuscripts Under Review
Neuroticism modulates functional connectivity of the middle cingulate cortex during emotion conflict
Hakin Kim, Junhyun Park, Manuel Kuhn, M. Justin Kim & Juyeon Hur (under review)The moderating effect of executive function on the relationship between momentary negative affect and repetitive negative thinking: an ecological momentary assessment study
Junhyun Park, Hakin Kim, Chae-eun Chung, M. Justin Kim & Juyoen Hur (under review)Amygdala reactivity is associated with real-world emotional experiences in social contexts
Chae-eun Chung, Hakin Kim, Junjyun Park, M. Justin Kim & Juyeon Hur (under review)Gritty heart: Improved heart rate variability markers of adaptive physiological response in grit
Jaehoon Yoo*, Boyoon Kim*, Sujin Park, Jeewon Jeon, Chaebin Yoo, M. Justin Kim** & Daeun Park** (under review)
*Equal author contribution; **Co-corresponding authorsMeasuring the semantic priming effect across many languages
Erin M. Buchanan, Kelly Cuccolo, ..., M. Justin Kim, ... & Savannah C. Lewis (under review)
2024 / In press
Separable and overlapping functional connectome architecture for impulsivity and anxiety
E Young Jung & M. Justin Kim
Current Psychology
link | supplementaryHeroes and villains: opposing narrative roles engage neural synchronization in the lateral inferior frontal gyrus
Hayoung Ryu & M. Justin Kim
Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience
link | supplementary | code | bioRxivAdaptative-to-maladaptive gradient of emotion regulation tendencies are embedded in the functional-structural hybrid connectome
Wonyoung Kim & M. Justin Kim
Psychological Medicine
link | supplementary | codeIntrinsic functional connectivity of motor and heteromodal association cortex predicts individual differences in regulatory focus
Nayoung Kim, M. Justin Kim, Timothy J. Strauman & Ahmad R. Hariri
PNAS Nexus
link | supplementary | 성대뉴스Intersubject representational similarity analysis uncovers the impact of state anxiety on multivariate activation patterns in the human extrastriate cortex
Po-Yuan A. Hsiao, M. Justin Kim, Feng-Chun B. Chou & Pin-Hao A. Chen
Brain Imaging and Behavior
link | supplementary | code | data | bioRxiv
Corticolimbic structural connectivity encapsulates real-world emotional reactivity and happiness
Mijin Kim*, Sunghyun Shin*, Mina Jyung, Jong-An Choi, Incheol Choi, M. Justin Kim** & Sunhae Sul**
Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience
link | supplementary | code | *Equal author contribution; **Co-corresponding authorsSimilarity in functional connectome architecture predicts teenage grit
Sujin Park, Daeun Park & M. Justin Kim
Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience
link | supplementary | code | bioRxivTopographical similarity of cortical thickness represents generalized anxiety symptoms in adolescence
Chaebin Yoo & M. Justin Kim
Brain Research Bulletin
link | code | bioRxivTracking emotions from song lyrics: Analyzing 30 years of K-pop hits
Wonkwang Jo & M. Justin Kim
link | supplementary | 성대뉴스Surprise as an emotion: A response to Ortony
Maital Neta & M. Justin Kim
Perspectives on Psychological Science
linkOn the relationship between the social brain, social connectedness, and well-being
M. Justin Kim & Sunhae Sul
Frontiers in Psychiatry
Morphological similarity of amygdala-ventral prefrontal pathways represents trait anxiety in younger and older adults
Wonyoung Kim & M. Justin Kim
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences
link | supplementary | code | 한빛사 | 성대뉴스Structural connectome-based prediction of trait anxiety
Chaebin Yoo*, Sujin Park* & M. Justin Kim
Brain Imaging and Behavior
link | supplementary | *Equal author contribution | Featured on the journal coverVolumetric variability of the ventromedial prefrontal cortex reflects the propensity for engaging in high stakes gambling behavior
Kyuli Lee, Nayoung Kim, Eun-Joo Jeong, Min-Suk Kang & M. Justin Kim
Brain Sciences
link | dataMeta-analytic activation maps can help identify affective processes captured by contrast-based task fMRI: the case of threat-related facial expressions
M. Justin Kim, Annchen R. Knodt & Ahmad R. Hariri
Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience
link | supplementary | bioRxivA connectome-wide functional signature of trait anger
M. Justin Kim, Maxwell L. Elliott, Annchen R. Knodt & Ahmad R. Hariri
Clinical Psychological Science
link | supplementary | bioRxiv
Human dorsomedial prefrontal cortex delineates the self and other against the tendency to form interdependent social representations
Sunhae Sul & M. Justin Kim
link Altered task-evoked corticolimbic responsivity in generalized anxiety disorder.
Nayoung Kim & M. Justin Kim
International Journal of Molecular Sciences
Amygdalostriatal coupling underpins positive but not negative coloring of ambiguous affect
M. Justin Kim, Alison M. Mattek & Jin Shin
Cognitive, Affective, and Behavioral Neuroscience
link | bioRxivIdentifying the representational structure of affect using fMRI
Alison M. Mattek, Daisy A. Burr, Jin Shin, Cady L. Whicker & M. Justin Kim
Affective Science
link | PsyArXiv
Corticolimbic circuit structure moderates an association between early life stress and later trait anxiety
M. Justin Kim, Madeline J. Farber, Annchen R. Knodt & Ahmad R. Hariri
NeuroImage: Clinical
link | supplementary | bioRxivPreliminary report on the association between pulvinar volume and the ability to detect backward-masked facial features
M. Justin Kim, Alison M. Mattek, Daisy A. Burr & Paul J. Whalen
link | supplementary | dataMicrostructural integrity of white matter moderates an association between childhood adversity and adult trait anger
M. Justin Kim, Maxwell L. Elliott, Tracy C. d’Arbeloff, Annchen R. Knodt, Spenser R. Radtke, Bartholomew D. Brigidi & Ahmad R. Hariri
Aggressive Behavior
link | bioRxivGeneral Functional Connectivity: shared features of resting-state and task fMRI drive reliable and heritable individual differences in functional brain networks
Maxwell L. Elliott, Annchen R. Knodt, Megan Cooke, M. Justin Kim, Tracy R. Melzer, Ross Keenan, David Ireland, Sandhya Ramrakha, Richie Poulton, Avshalom Caspi, Terrie E. Moffitt & Ahmad R. Hariri
link | supplementary | bioRxivMaternal overprotection in childhood is associated with amygdala reactivity and structural connectivity in adulthood
Madeline J. Farber, M. Justin Kim, Annchen R. Knodt & Ahmad R. Hariri
Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience
link | supplementary | bioRxivParadoxical associations between familial affective responsiveness, stress, and amygdala reactivity
Madeline J. Farber, Adrienne L. Romer, M. Justin Kim, Annchen R. Knodt, Nourhan M. Elsayed, Douglas E. Williamson & Ahmad R. Hariri
link | supplementary | bioRxiv
A link between childhood adversity and trait anger reflects relative activity of the amygdala and dorsolateral prefrontal cortex
M. Justin Kim, Matthew A. Scult, Annchen R. Knodt, Spenser R. Radtke, Tracy C. d’Arbeloff, Bartholomew D. Brigidi & Ahmad R. Hariri
Biological Psychiatry: Cognitive Neuroscience and Neuroimaging
link | supplementary | commentaryTrajectories of alcohol initiation and use during adolescence: the role of stress and amygdala reactivity
Nourhan M. Elsayed, M. Justin Kim, Kristina M. Fields, Rene L. Olvera, Ahmad R. Hariri & Douglas E. Williamson
Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry
link | supplementary | bioRxivMicrostructural integrity of a pathway connecting the prefrontal cortex and amygdala moderates the association between cognitive reappraisal and negative emotions
Tracy C. d’Arbeloff, M. Justin Kim, Annchen R. Knodt, Spenser R. Radtke, Bartholomew D. Brigidi & Ahmad R. Hariri
Human amygdala tracks a feature-based valence signal embedded within the facial expression of surprise.
M. Justin Kim, Alison M. Mattek, Randi H. Bennett, Kimberly M. Solomon, Jin Shin & Paul J. Whalen
Journal of Neuroscience
link Intolerance of uncertainty predicts increased striatal volume
M. Justin Kim, Jin Shin, James M. Taylor, Alison M. Mattek, Samantha J. Chavez & Paul J. Whalen
link | commentary | press releaseNeurogenetic plasticity and sex influence the link between corticolimbic structural connectivity and trait anxiety
M. Justin Kim, Reut Avinun, Annchen R. Knodt, Spenser R. Radtke & Ahmad R. Hariri
Scientific Reports
link | supplementaryAll in the first glance: first fixation predicts individual differences in valence bias
Maital Neta, Tien T. Tong, Monica L. Rosen, Alex Enersen, M. Justin Kim & Michael D. Dodd
Cognition and Emotion
link | supplementaryCommon and distinct patterns of grey-matter volume alteration in major depression and bipolar disorder: evidence from voxel-based meta-analysis
Toby Wise, Joaquim Radua, ..., M. Justin Kim, ... & Danilo Arnone
Molecular Psychiatry
link | supplementaryNeural and behavioral responses to ambiguous facial expressions of emotion
Paul J. Whalen, Maital Neta, M. Justin Kim, Alison M. Mattek, F. Caroline Davis, James M. Taylor & Samantha J. Chavez
In: Fernandez Dols JM & Russell J (Eds.) The Science of Facial Expression. New York: Oxford University Press.
The inverse relationship between the microstructural variability of amygdala-prefrontal pathways and trait anxiety is moderated by sex
M. Justin Kim, Annemarie C. Brown, Alison M. Mattek, Samantha J. Chavez, James M. Taylor, Amy L. Palmer, Yu-Chein Wu & Paul J. Whalen
Frontiers in Systems Neuroscience
link | supplementaryA face versus non-face context influences amygdala responses to masked fearful eye whites
M. Justin Kim, Kimberly M. Solomon, Maital Neta, F. Caroline Davis, Jonathan A. Oler, Emily C. Mazzulla & Paul J. Whalen
Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience
link Interpreting ambiguous social cues in unpredictable contexts
F. Caroline Davis, Maital Neta, M. Justin Kim, Joseph M. Moran & Paul J. Whalen
Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience
link Computational meta-analysis of statistical parametric maps in major depression
Danilo Arnone, Dominic Job, ..., M. Justin Kim, ... & Andrew M. McIntosh
Human Brain Mapping
Botulinum toxin-induced facial muscle paralysis affects amygdala responses to the perception of emotional expressions: Preliminary findings from an A-B-A design
M. Justin Kim, Maital Neta, F. Caroline Davis, Erika J. Ruberry, Diana Dinescu, Todd F. Heatherton, Mitchell A. Stotland & Paul J. Whalen
Biology of Mood and Anxiety Disorders
The impact of perceiving angry and fearful facial expressions on decision making performance in threat situations
M. Justin Kim, Sunhae Sul & Yangho Moon
The Korean Journal of Cognitive and Biological Psychology (written in Korean)
Paul J. Whalen, M. Justin Kim, Maital Neta & F. Caroline Davis
In: Nelson RJ & Mizumori S (Eds.). The Handbook of Psychology (2nd edition), Volume 3: Behavioral Neuroscience. New York: Wiley.
The structural and functional connectivity of the amygdala: From normal emotion to pathological anxiety
M. Justin Kim, Rebecca A. Loucks, Amy L. Palmer, Annemarie C. Brown, Kimberly M. Solomon, Ashley N. Marchante & Paul J. Whalen
Behavioural Brain Research
link | *Behavioural Brain Research Editors’ Choice Award | Reprinted in: Debeic J, Heller M, Brozek B & LeDoux J (2014). The Emotional Brain Revisited. Krakow: Copernicus Center Press. Anxiety dissociates dorsal and ventral medial prefrontal cortex functional connectivity with the amygdala at rest.
M. Justin Kim, Dylan G. Gee, Rebecca A. Loucks, F. Caroline Davis & Paul J. Whalen
Cerebral Cortex
link | supplementary
Behind the mask: the influence of mask-type on amygdala response to fearful faces
M. Justin Kim, Rebecca A. Loucks, Maital Neta, F. Caroline Davis, Jonathan A. Oler, Emily C. Mazzulla & Paul J. Whalen
Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience
The structural integrity of an amygdala-prefrontal pathway predicts trait anxiety
M. Justin Kim & Paul J. Whalen
Journal of Neuroscience
link | supplementary | commentaryFunctional magnetic resonance imaging in the affective and social neurosciences
Tom Johnstone, M. Justin Kim & Paul J. Whalen
In: Harmon-Jones E & Beer JS (Eds.). Methods in Social Neuroscience. New York: Guilford Press.Human amygdala responses to facial expressions of emotion
Paul J. Whalen, F. Caroline Davis, Jonathan A. Oler, Hackjin Kim, M. Justin Kim & Maital Neta
In: Whalen PJ & Phelps EA (Eds.). The Human Amygdala. New York: Guilford Press.
Reduced caudate gray matter volume in women with major depressive disorder
M. Justin Kim, J. Paul Hamilton & Ian H. Gotlib
Psychiatry Research: Neuroimaging
linkDiminished rostral anterior cingulate activity in response to threat-related events in posttraumatic stress disorder
Minue J. Kim, Jeanyung Chey, Ain Chung, Soojeong Bae, Hyunsoo Khang, Byungjoo Ham, Sujung J. Yoon, Do-Un Jeong & In Kyoon Lyoo
Journal of Psychiatric Research
link | supplementary
The occurrence of cavum septi pellucidi enlargement is increased in bipolar disorder patients
Minue J. Kim, In Kyoon Lyoo, Stephen R. Dager, Seth D. Friedman, Jeanyung Chey, Jaeuk Hwang, Yu-Jin Lee, David L. Dunner & Perry F. Renshaw
Bipolar Disorders
linkCerebellar gray matter volume decrease in cocaine abusers: An optimized voxel-based morphometry study
Minyoung E. Sim, In Kyoon Lyoo, Chris C. Streeter, Julie Covell, Ofra Sarid-Segal, Domenic A. Ciraulo, Minue J. Kim, Marc J. Kaufman, Deborah A. Yurgelun-Todd & Perry F. Renshaw
linkAsymmetric altered integrity of cingulum bundle in posttraumatic stress disorder
Seog Ju Kim, Do-Un Jeong, Minyoung E. Sim, Soojeong C. Bae, Ain Chung, Minue J. Kim, Kee Hyun Chang, Jeong Ryu, Perry F. Renshaw & In Kyoon Lyoo
Decreased blood flow of temporal regions of the brain in subjects with panic disorder
Yujin S. Lee, Jaeuk Hwang, Seog Ju Kim, Young Hoon Sung, Jihyun Kim, Minyoung E. Sim, Soojeong C. Bae, Minue J. Kim & In Kyoon Lyoo
Journal of Psychiatric Research
Disrupted white matter tract integrity of anterior cingulate in trauma survivors
Minue J. Kim, In Kyoon Lyoo, Seog Ju Kim, Minyoung Sim, Namkug Kim, Namhee Choi, Do-Un Jeong, Julie Covell & Perry F. Renshaw
linkPutaminal gray matter volume decrease in panic disorder: An optimized voxel-based morphometry study
Hanik K. Yoo, Minue J. Kim, Seog Ju Kim, Young Hoon Sung, Minyoung E. Sim, Yujin S. Lee, Seong Yong Song, Baik Seok Kee & In Kyoon Lyoo
European Journal of Neuroscience
In vivo proton magnetic resonance spectroscopy of the temporal lobe in Alzheimer's disease
Blaise D. Frederick, In Kyoon Lyoo, Andrew Satlin, Kyung Heup Ahn, Minue J. Kim, Deborah Yurgelun-Todd, Bruce M. Cohen & Perry F. Renshaw
Progress in Neuro-Psychopharmacology & Biological Psychiatry
linkWhite matter hyperintensities in subjects with bipolar disorder
Kyung Heup Ahn, In Kyoon Lyoo, Ho Kyu Lee, In Chan Song, Jung Su Oh, Jaeuk Hwang, Juyong Kwon, Minue J. Kim, Minjeong Kim & Perry F. Renshaw
Psychiatry and Clinical Neurosciences
linkFrontal lobe density decreases in Bipolar I disorder
In Kyoon Lyoo, Minue J. Kim, Andrew L. Stoll, Christina M. Demopulos, Aimee M. Parow, Stephen R. Dager, Seth D. Friedman, David L. Dunner & Perry F. Renshaw
Biological Psychiatry
Reduced cortical gray matter density in human MDMA (Ecstasy) users: a voxel-based morphometry study
Ronald L. Cowan, In Kyoon Lyoo, Seung Mo Sung, Kyung Heup Ahn, Minue J. Kim, Jaeuk Hwang, Erika Haga, Ram Lakhan Panday Vimal, Scott E. Lukas & Perry F. Renshaw
Drug and Alcohol Dependence